Friday, November 2, 2012

Real Change From Day One —
Mitt’s Closing Argument

Gov. Mitt Romney's Closing Address in Wisconsin on the Economy - Andrew Malcolm/IBD

Mitt Romney gave a barnburner of a speech this morning in Wisconsin. He goes off script a lot, I notice. He even uses the a variation of a line that I’ve been tweeting all year long: “Americans are tired of being tired.” - Bruce Carroll @GayPatriot

We are Americans. We can do anything.

The only thing that stands between us and some of the best years we have known is lack of leadership. And that’s why we have elections.

This Tuesday is a moment to look into the future and imagine what we can do … to put the past four years behind us and start building a new future.

You saw the differences when President Obama and I were side-by-side in our debates. He says it has to be this way. I say it can’t stay this way. He’s offering excuses, I’ve got a plan. He’s hoping we’ll settle. I can’t wait for us to get started.

Americans don’t settle. We build, we aspire, we listen to that voice inside that says, “We can do better.” A better job; a better life for our kids; a bigger, better country.

That better life is out there, waiting for us. Our destiny is in your hands.