◼ Obama camp uses guilt in fundraiser email - Steve Friess/Politico
The Obama campaign is now resorting to bill-collector language to rouse folks on its email list who haven’t donated — a tactic that’s sparked some sharp blowback even among supporters.
A campaign email sent over the weekend provides the recipients with their customized “online giving history” that includes a 10-digit “supporter ID number.” That’s followed by a list of the recipient’s “most recent online donation” and “total amount donated online.”
“It looks like you haven't made an online donation to the campaign yet,” the email continues. “If you were waiting for the last minute, you're pretty much there.”
...The campaign must not be ◼ looking at Twitter, where the email is being referred to as a “shakedown.” One conservative blog, ◼ Weasel Zippers, is enjoying a flood of traffic, with hundreds of readers likening the Obama-generated ID numbers to Big Brother.
◼ Obama Campaign Shakedown Email: We’ve Reviewed Your Records, Where’s Our Money?… - Weasel Zippers