◼ Emails detail unfolding Benghazi attack on September 11th - Sharyl Attkisson/CBS News
The White House and State Department declined comment on the email alerts. The House Oversight Committee told CBS News the information in the emails will be part of their ongoing investigation into the Benghazi attack.
◼ Emails Expose White House Lies on Benghazi - Larry Johnson/No Quarter
Told you so. The emails and cables documenting what happened are voluminous. Just wait till the classified material sees the light of day. Obama is a goddamn liar. And he is a coward. When this attack was underway, Obama spent his time worrying about how to avoid taking political damage. He did not focus on how to save or assist the U.S. diplomats and personnel being attacked. He worried only about himself and how to deflect any potential poltical damange. Shameful.
◼ White House knew about Libya attacks
◼ Read the emails (PDF)
◼ 6:07 PM 9/11/12: 'Ansar al-Sharia Claims Responsibility'