◼ With only seven weeks to go in the presidential campaign, Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Saturday shows GOP presidential nominee Mitt Romney up by 2 points over President Barack Obama in a nationwide sampling of voters. - Newsmax
◼ Married Voters Strongly Back Romney - Gallup
Married registered voters prefer Republican challenger Mitt Romney over Democratic President Barack Obama by 54% to 39%, according to Gallup data collected from June to August. On the other hand, nonmarried voters break strongly for the president over Romney, 56% to 35%.
◼ Obama’s convention bounce begins to fade - Washington Times
Gallup’s seven-day tracking survey, which showed as much as a 7-point lead for Mr. Obama in the middle of last week, is down to a 3-point lead as of Saturday.
That’s in line with the Real Clear Politics average of polls, which gave Mr. Obama a 3.1-point lead this past weekend. Still, every post-convention poll shows the president in the lead, save for one by Rasmussen Reports that gives Mr. Romney a 1-point advantage.