◼ Feinstein shouldn’t have taken umbrage at the question, which was an obvious one. It’s one The Times has put to the senator as well, as Emken points out. - Michael McGough/LA Times
The debate continues over whether Clint Eastwood’s performance with an empty chair at the Republican National Convention was an inspired improvisation or an age-induced embarrassment. But one Republican candidate seems to find the empty chair a useful image.
Under the heading "Empty Chair Update" in an email, Elizabeth Emken, the GOP nominee for the U.S. Senate in California, is pointing journalists toward a TV interview in which her Democratic opponent Sen. Dianne Feinstein walks away after being asked if she would debate Emken -- leaving an empty chair!
◼ Here's the link. It doesn’t show Feinstein to advantage.
◼ Elizabeth Emken: Running against Sen. Dianne Feinstein, and the odds - Patt Morrison/LA Times
◼ Face your rival, Sen. Feinstein, It would benefit voters to hear both candidates articulate their positions on important issues. - LA Times
Elizabeth Emken is endorsed by the California Republican Party and the Howard Jarvis Taxpayers Association Political Action Committee, ◼ More
Elizabeth Emken