Thursday, August 23, 2012
This is a MUST WATCH! And it is brutal. In his “Keeping them Honest” segment tonight, Anderson Cooper completely exposed Debbie Wasserman Schultz over her lies about Romney’s position on abortion.
◼ Seriously, watch the whole thing. It’s awesome! VIDEO (Complete segment) AT THE RIGHT SCOOP.
◼ Debbie Wasserman Schultz under maximum stress... - Althouse
◼ IT’S COME TO THIS: BRUTAL: Anderson Cooper obliterates DNC Chair over her lies about Romney’s stance on abortion. - Instapundit
◼ Anderson Cooper Calls Debbie Wasserman Schultz Out on DNC Lies – Doesn’t Back Down When She Obfuscates - Nice Deb
◼ Anderson Cooper Tears Into Wasserman Schultz For ‘Misquoting’ Article In Fundraising Email - Meenal Vamburkar/Mediaite
◼ This is terribly rude of me, but since it’s relevant, here is the hilarious video by “The Five” team of Obama and crew taking on the Akin matter: - Steve_in_KC/No Quarter