◼ During a presentation at the Wall Street Journal's "CEO Council" in November 2011, Democrat Erskine Bowles placed blame for the failure of the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform on a "cabal" of Chicago politicians surrounding President Obama. - John Sexton/breitbart's Big Government
Bowles said the group convinced Obama to stand aside and let Rep. Paul Ryan lead the way on budget reform in order to gain a political advantage over Republicans.
What Bowles and Klein, both Democrats, are saying is that the President's abdication of leadership on budget reform has been part of a considered political re-election strategy beginning in 2010. The President chose not to lead on much needed reform knowing Paul Ryan would do so and thereby make himself a convenient political punching bag during a divisive campaign. Simply put, the President cares more about getting himself reelected than he does about addressing the dire financial situation the nation is facing. It's hard to imagine a harsher criticism of presidential failure or a better reason to replace Obama with real leadership this November.
◼ Campaign to Demonize Ryan Won’t Work
◼ Iowahawk’s observation — “Paul Ryan represents Obama’s most horrifying nightmare: math” — is well on its way to becoming world famous, and may yet become the final epitaph on Obama’s presidency. - The Other McCain