Tuesday, August 7, 2012

BREAKING NEWS: CNN Investigates - Obama Super PAC Ad "Not Accurate"

Pro-Obama Super PAC ad ties Romney to cancer death - Doug Powers/Michelle Malkin
Priorities ad ties Mitt Romney to cancer death - Rachel Weiner/Washington Post
CNN: Obama Super PAC Ad "Not Accurate" - The Right Scoop

CNN debunks Bill Burton’s ad smear: Steelworker’s wife still had a job and insurance when he lost his job... Turns out that even though Joe Soptic lost his job in 2001 and lost his insurance, his wife still had her job AND had her insurance. She left her job almost 2 years later due to an injury and that’s when she lost her insurance. Funny, Soptic didn’t mention that in Bill Burton’s attack ad.

Woman in anti-Romney SuperPAC Death Ad actually had insurance - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
CNN: Wife of steelworker in new Obama Super PAC ad still had job and health insurance after he lost his - Allahpundit/HotAir