Friday, July 27, 2012


I don’t think liberals appreciate how much conservatives laugh at this stuff. - Jonah Goldberg/National Review

We’re constantly being told we’re racists and that conservatism is full of racist codes and dog whistles aimed at conservatives. And yet the only people who consistently decipher these codes or hear these dog whistles are liberals themselves. Most of the time it’s a form of projection of course. Liberals see themselves as sinless and heroic on matters racial, so their opposite numbers in politics must be sinful and villainous on matters of race. It’s a form of lazy categorical thinking that completely fails to take account of reality in order to sustain a self-serving narrative....

Dan’s post on Jonathan Chait’s entry into the “if it’s bad for Obama, it’s racist” games is a keeper:

The GOP’s Use of ‘You Didn’t Build That’ Is Racist - Daniel Foster/National Review

Inevitable – Obama “you didn’t build that” speech not going over well because said in “black dialect” - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

◼ The article in question: The Real Reason ‘You Didn’t Build That’ Works - Jonathan Chait/New York Magazine