◼ When word leaked Wednesday afternoon that senior Obama strategist David Axelrod was coming to the State House on Thursday morning to criticize Romney’s record as governor, Romney’s team quickly mobilized. - Boston Globe
They ended up drowning out Axelrod, muting his criticism of Romney, and showing in the process the kind of pluck normally reserved for the Occupy Wall Street crowd.
As an Obama supporter tried in vain to organize a cheer of, “I say ‘O,’ and you say, “bama,” the Romney crowd seamlessly improvised to shout down another cheer of “four more years” with “five more months.”
As Axelrod took the microphone, he looked out at a sea of Romney posters reading, “Obama Isn’t working,” freshly shipped up Beacon Hill from the campaign’s headquarters in the North End.
To top it off, the Romney team brought in a bubble-making machine to lend a festive air to their mischief. Not to be denied, they commandeered an external outlet on an NBC News satellite truck to supply the electricity....
On Thursday, the Romney campaign’s penchant for secrecy - and ability to keep one - paid off when he staged a counter-attack on Obama not just at the State House, but across the country in California.
He packed his traveling press corps onto a bus, got on himself, and then rode in without revelation until he pulled up to the former headquarters of Solyndra, the renewable energy company that failed after support from the Obama administration.
There was not one Obama protestor in sight.