Wednesday, June 6, 2012
McCain: Top-secret leaks coming from “highest levels” of White House
◼ Two top figures in the US Senate — a Republican and a Democrat — have now spoken out publicly in frustration with continued leaks out of the Obama administration of “the most highly classified information.” - Ed Morrissey/HotAir
While CBS News treated McCain’s allegations with skepticism, Dianne Feinstein seconded McCain’s concerns about the leaks, if not the origins...
◼ More outrage in Senate over intelligence leaks - Scott Wong/Politico
Another top Democrat joined the growing chorus of lawmakers furious about classified leaks to the press about cyberattacks on Iran, something Republicans claimed was a political move to bolster Democrats’ national security credentials and reelection prospects this fall.
At a hearing Wednesday, Senate Judiciary Chairman Pat Leahy (D-Vt.) said he was infuriated as he read a New York Times story last week that revealed President Barack Obama had ordered the use of a computer virus to disrupt an Iranian nuclear facility.
“I remember sitting there just fuming as I read the details,” Leahy said at a committee hearing. “And I have not had a briefing yet to determine whether what was in there was accurate or not, so I'm not saying ... it was, but if it was, it should not be in a newspaper.”