
Thursday, April 12, 2012

New Romney Bumper Sticker: Moms Drive The Economy

◼ Get your BUMPER STICKER: Moms Drive the Economy

DEMS DOWNLOAD ON ROSEN... - Rachel Weiner/Washington Post via Drudge
Democrats have engaged in a full-court press in pushing back on strategist Hilary Rosen’s comment on CNN Wednesday night that as a wealthy stay-at-home-mom Ann Romney “never worked a day in her life.” ...Rosen apologized to Romney Thursday, but only after kicking up a firestorm over stay-at-home motherhood and drawing a rebuke from the president himself.
'This is going to be an ugly campaign season'
"The modern-day campaign and the swiftness of the charges and the counter charges and the intensity of it is enormously frightening for campaign professionals and for consultants and for candidates alike," she said. "This is going to be an ugly campaign season and if this ends up being the start to it, so be it."

Apologizing again, Rosen said she saw no need to meet with Ann Romney face-to-face to discuss the issue.
Axelrod to CNN: Rosen is 'your employee, not ours' - Politico