OBAMA NATION: Leftist Politics and the Cult of Personality by Jerome R. Corsi, Ph.d. The author divides his topic into three parts, “Roots,” “The Making of a Radical Politician,” and “The Candidate is the Message.” Co-author of 2004’s Unfit for Command: Swift boat Veterans Speak Out Against John Kerry, Dr. Corsi shares insights that will be valuable as voters decide whether to give Mr. Obama another term as president
IDEOLOGICAL IDIOCY by Eric aka Tygger Express. A popular blogger (“Tygger Express”), the author is a stockbroker originally from New York, now living in Los Angeles. He describes himself as “a politically conservative and morally liberal Hebrew alpha male (who) stumbles upon jihadist, peace activists and other ridiculous leftists and trips over their heads located up their (redacted).” *
.....* He has also been a speaker at HRWF meetings.
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