Patriots: Remember our speaker from last month? We were told how much WE NEED to SHOW UP at the Planning Commission Mtgs. Well, tonight is a prime example of one such meeting....the purpose of this meeting is to inform the public and the commission on the draft environmental impact report for the draft of the general plan update.This overview of the information contained in the documents, which define ACCEPTABLE land uses in each area of the county for future development.
Meeting will be held in the Board of Supervisors' Chamber at the Humboldt County Courthouse, 825 Fifth Street in Eureka...6PM ◼
This is very important to all rural property owners!!!
April 26th, 6PM - HTPP Mtg - Guest Speaker: Dawn Elsbree, Headwaters Fund;
Eureka Vet Bldg, 1020 H St., Eureka
May 7th - Last Day to Register to VOTE, Absentee Ballots Mailed
HRWF Note: Find links to Planning Commission Agendas and Minutes at our GET INVOLVED link, above.