Wednesday, April 18, 2012

"Dreams from My Schnauzer"

You guys, last night I had the most wonderful dream. In the dream, President Barack Obama bragged about eating dogs — In his own book! On the audiobook! — and his enablers couldn’t ignore it, and their “Romney is cruel to animals” narrative was totally ruined with the sweep of a paw. It was unbelievably awesome.

The dream is real. Jim Treacher/The Daily Caller

Mitt Romney will never live down the story of how he transported his family dog atop the car during a road trip. It’s been used against him by everyone from animal-rights groups to President Obama’s reelection campaign. - Daily Beast

Now... Now the Daily Caller is here to remind the public that the president didn’t always treat dogs as nicely as he does his pet Bo. A passage from Obama’s book Dreams From My Father, reveals that as a child growing up in Indonesia, young Barack Obama ate dog meat. “Say what you want about Romney, but at least he only put a dog on the roof of his car, not the roof of his mouth,” writes the DC.

Top tweets about Obama eating dog meat; Plus: best #obamadogrecipes and Romney/Obama camps spar - Twitchy

◼ Follow-up: Why the ‘Obama eats dogs’ meme has (four) legs - Daily Caller (4/24)

So, when the notion that the president eats dog meat goes viral shortly after he legalizes the slaughter and consumption of horses, everyone’s chomping at the bit to fill the comedy void. In a very real sense, the liberal humor machine gave the “dog meat” meme its power by refusing to produce the kind of commentary that it’s made about every single previous president.

As a joke, the meme strikes at the heart of the uneasiness Americans have about their largely un-vetted president....