Thursday, March 29, 2012

Michelle Malkin Lead Story: The war on Wisconsin; Update: Sarah Palin’s call to arms

Now is the time for all good tea partiers to come to the aid of Wisconsin. Fiscally conservative leaders in the Badger State are under coordinated siege from Big Labor, the White House, the liberal media and the judiciary. The yearlong campaign of union thuggery, family harassment and intimidation of Republican donors and businesses is about to escalate even further. This is the price the Right pays for doing the right thing. - Michelle Malkin

President Obama, the AFL-CIO, SEIU, AFSCME and left-wing operatives know that Wisconsin is Ground Zero in their battle against limited-government activists. Their demagogic propaganda war against Wisconsin GOP Rep. Paul Ryan, who is leading entitlement reform and budget discipline efforts in Washington, is of a piece with the campaign to overturn the popular elections that put Walker, Kleefisch and the GOP majority in place. If they can chill fiscal responsibility and free market-based reforms in Wisconsin, they can chill it everywhere. Will movement conservatives let them?

From John Nolte at Big Government/ Kleefisch faces recall, sexist taunts.
Since the beginning of the public union protests in Wisconsin, you can trace everything back to one over-arching puppet master and that's a White House that saw the crucial swing state of Wisconsin fall into Republican hands by a wide margin in 2010.
Everything about these crybaby teacher protests, the union violence, and a merry-go-round of recall elections is designed to keep Obama's base ginned up and frothing at the mouth straight through to when it's time to vote for him in November.
But there's so much more going on just below the surface.
As Goes Wisconsin, so Goes America; Support Lt. Governor Rebecca Kleefisch - Sarah Palin
Wisconsin, you deserve better than this!

Michelle Malkin points out that President Obama knows Wisconsin is ground zero in the Left’s battle against limited government. And, as Michelle writes: “If they can chill fiscal responsibility and free market-based reforms in Wisconsin, they can chill it everywhere.” Concerned Americans, don’t let them snuff out this Mama Grizzly’s successful efforts to fight for what is right.

Grand Old Badger State: you are America’s blessed 30th state. Your natural and human resources abound. Even your state motto promises a vision of “Forward.” So, as the eyes of America focus on you, raise your voice in support of your state’s good destiny!

“On, Wisconsin! Champion of the right, 'Forward', our motto – God will give thee might!”