◼ The Myth of the GOP’s War on Women - David Bozeman/NetRightDaily
The idea of the Republican Party waging a war on women is preposterous. It goes something like this: with unemployment at just above 8 percent and a national debt at over $15.5 trillion, Republicans are so threatened by good economic news that they would change the subject and seek to alienate women, who comprise approximately 51 percetn of the voting population. That makes almost as much sense as the notion of Republicans being the party of the rich. How does a party remain viable for most of its 150-year existence by catering to so narrow a demographic?
But news and commentary tend to focus on the inane over the substantive. Conservatives find themselves gnawing on the liberal bait — by simply calming fears and quelling nasty rumors, conservatives resemble animals who must chew off their own limbs to free themselves from traps.