Sunday, March 25, 2012


On Friday, Barack Obama’s official Twitter account said, “If you’re proud of Obamacare and tired of the other side using it as a dirty word, complete this sentence: #ILikeObamacare because…” - The Blaze
@JamesNolan: #IlikeObamaCare because I’m tired of making my own healthcare decisions…

@anthropocon: #ILikeObamaCare because I want unelected bureaucrats making as many personal decisions for me as possible.

@yidwithlid: #ILikeObamacare as much as I like My father-in-law’s wife

@SaintObama: #ILikeObamacare, Because I think if you work, then I should benefit.

@iowahawkblog: #IlikeObamacare because the best things in life are free. Give or take $2 trillion.
And now, the Obama administration is asking people to use the hashtag #Gen44, saying “The president is counting on young people next November." Responses have included:
@ExJon: #Gen44 Because nothing says “youthful rebellion” like following orders from the president.

@FigDreston: #Gen44 Because I believe the largest economy the world has ever known can be run on solar panels, windmills and algae.

@SBroadie: #gen44: Because this time I want Obama to win all 57 States

@lee_ritz: #Gen44 cuz I have a masters in post modern transsexual feminist lit and $100k in student debt but for some reason can’t find a job.

@angelaisms: Because “endowed by their Creator” means “bestowed by a beneficent government.” #gen44