This debt ceiling debate is the perfect time to do what must be done. We must cut. Yes, I’m for a balanced budget amendment and for enforceable spending caps. But first and foremost we must cut spending, not “strike a deal” that allows politicians to raise more debt! See, Washington is addicted to OPM – Other People’s Money. And like any junkie, they will lie, steal, and cheat to fund their addiction. We must cut them off and cut government down to size... first and foremost we must tackle our debt. We don’t have the luxury of playing politics as usual. We need real leaders who will put aside their own political self-interest to do what is right for the nation. And if they don’t emerge… well, America has a do-over in November 2012.
Saturday, July 9, 2011
The Sugar Daddy Has Run Out of Sugar
◼ Now We Need New Leaders - Sarah Palin
Betty Ford, Dancer, R.I.P.
◼ Robert Stacy McCain at The Other McCain writes, “‘Dancer’ is probably not the first thing you think of when you think of Betty Ford…” But for me, it actually is—for obvious reasons. It was probably the first thing I ever learned about her, and it endeared her to me. - neoneocon
◼ Betty Ford, Dancer, R.I.P. -
If you wonder what's wonderful and awful about California, there are few better places to start than the north coast, where magnificent scenery contrasts with absurd public policy.
◼ Land deals protect fake threats -
As I took the nearly six-hour drive recently from the Sacramento area, past Ukiah and up to Eureka, through the heart of California's redwood-forested north coast, I was reminded of the spectacular beauty of California. Driving through Mendocino and Humboldt counties also reminded me of the spectacular ways the state government wastes taxpayer dollars even at a time when officials are crying poormouth.h/t: Colleen
Deep in this remote country, enveloped by state and federal parks and public forests where so much of the land is off-limits from development, the state of California is spending tens of millions of dollars buying up land (for conservation easements) to protect it from development threats that are even more remote than the landscape.
The public is financing land deals that are causing consternation to timber companies that operate along the north coast. Before you ask, "What would you expect from self-interested despoilers of the environment?" consider that these are companies with a long history of environmental sensitivity. They operate in an environment hostile to their existence and must maintain public support for their efforts as well as protect the land for their future business. Read the rest
"Every Republican has been clear as crystal: No tax hikes," says a Boehner spokesman. "Tax hikes destroy jobs and they cannot, and will not, pass the House."
◼ Boehner: No, GOP won't 'cave' in budget talks - Byron York/Washington Examiner
◼ Doubt abounds: Bill Kristol predicts GOP ‘to cave in a pretty big way’ on debt ceiling negotiations - Daily Caller
◼ Dem budget: $2 trillion in new tax hikes, 'sharp cuts at Pentagon'... - Washington Post via Drudge
◼ Doubt abounds: Bill Kristol predicts GOP ‘to cave in a pretty big way’ on debt ceiling negotiations - Daily Caller
“So great, we have a Republican House, and they are going to agree to the huge defense cuts, tax increases, phony spending cuts and increased debt,” Kristol said. “I think there will be a huge rebellion among conservatives in the country if Republicans sign on to this deal.”◼ Obama, GOP inching toward debt deal - Susan Ferrechio/Washington Examiner
◼ Dem budget: $2 trillion in new tax hikes, 'sharp cuts at Pentagon'... - Washington Post via Drudge
Republicans dismissed the Democratic blueprint, saying higher taxes would be devastating to an economy already weighed down by a 9.2 percent unemployment rate. In their spending plan, House Republicans proposed to save $4 trillion entirely through spending cuts; they would also eliminate Medicare as an open-ended entitlement after 2021.◼ An Establishment in Panic - Pat Buchanan/Real Clear Politics
“If they’re calling for $2 trillion in tax hikes in the middle of a jobs crisis, it’s little wonder that it’s been 800 days since Senate Democrats passed a budget,” said McConnell spokesman Don Stewart.
The Establishment is in a panic. It has been jolted awake to the realization that the GOP House, if it can summon the courage to use it, is holding a weapon that could enable it to bridle forever the federal monster that consumes 25 percent of gross domestic product.
Success story: Wisconsin schools buck union to cut health costs
◼ link - Byron York/Washington Examiner
The Hartland-Lakeside School District, about 30 miles west of Milwaukee in tiny Hartland, Wis., had a problem in its collective bargaining contract with the local teachers union.
The contract required the school district to purchase health insurance from a company called WEA Trust. The creation of Wisconsin's largest teachers union -- "WEA" stands for Wisconsin Education Association -- WEA Trust made money when union officials used collective bargaining agreements to steer profitable business its way.
The problem for Hartland-Lakeside was that WEA Trust was charging significantly higher rates than the school district could find on the open market....
That's where Wisconsin's new budget law came in. The law, bitterly opposed by organized labor in the state and across the nation, limits the collective bargaining powers of some public employees. And it just happens that the Hartland-Lakeside teachers' collective bargaining agreement expired on June 30. So now, freed from the expensive WEA Trust deal, the school district has changed insurers.
"It's going to save us about $690,000 in 2011-2012," says Schilling. Insurance costs that had been about $2.5 million a year will now be around $1.8 million. What union leaders said would be a catastrophe will in fact be a boon to teachers and students.
But the effect of weakening collective bargaining goes beyond money. It also has the potential to reshape the adversarial culture that often afflicts public education. In Hartland-Lakeside, there's been no war between union-busting bureaucrats on one side and impassioned teachers on the other; Schilling speaks with great collegiality toward the teachers and says with pride that they've been able to work together on big issues. But there has been a deep division between the school district and top union executives....
9.2% Unemployment
◼ Unemployment rate rises to 9.2 percent as U.S. adds only 18,000 jobs in June - Washington Post
◼ Grim jobs report casts shadow over debt talks - APnews
The endgame on the debt talks was approaching as the Labor Department reported hiring slowed to a near-standstill in June. Employers added the fewest jobs in nine months and the unemployment rate rose for the third month in a row, climbing to its highest point this year.◼ Obama’s reaction to jobs report: More of the same deflection - HotAir (Image source, Drudge)
That gave Republicans fresh ammunition to attack Obama's handling of the economy even as the shape of an agreement remained in doubt. All the while the nation is moving closer to an Aug. 2 deadline to raise the government's debt ceiling or face an unprecedented default on U.S. obligations that the administration warns could add a perilous new crisis on top of the already quavering economy.
◼ Real Unemployment Rises to 16.2% in June -- 25.3 Million People -
Project Gunrunner Got Stimulus Money. We need to know who was responsible for this.
◼ The Stimulation Of Murder - Investors Business Daily
Eric Holder took Gunrunner credit for himself and the rest of the Obama administration.◼ In the text of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, otherwise known as the “Obama stimulus...” an earmark of ten million dollars for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms, and Explosives was rolled into the bill. - John Hayward/Human Events
Part of that earmark came from House Resolution 495, the Southwest Border Violence Reduction Act of 2009. This bill explicitly included $15,000 in funding for Project Gunrunner.
That funding did indeed make it into the Obama stimulus act:
Friday, July 8, 2011
Gunrunner II: Source claims ATF's Tampa SAC walked guns to HONDURAS! Part of Operation Castaway?
◼ GUNWALKER: LAYING IT ALL OUT. - citing Ann Barnhardt
Two big developments have emerged in Gunwalker..... ATF Director Kenneth Melson has indeed spilled his guts and testified on July 4th before Congressional investigators. Gunwalker goes all the way to Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton and... Barack Obama and Valerie Jarrett. Further, Mike Vanderboegh and David Codrea over at Sipsey Street Irregulars (claim) that Holder/Clinton/Obama-Jarrett also were walking guns out of Florida into Honduras.
Here’s the money quote: “There are emails in existence where (Special Agent in Charge Virginia) O’Brien has advised those involved that Tampa does not have to report their walked guns because Tampa FD is not a part of Southwest Border or Project Gunrunner.”
◼ Gunrunner II? Exclusive Special Report by David Codrea and Mike Vanderboegh. at sipseystreetirregulars
SAC O’Brien was previously the Special Agent in Charge of the Phoenix Field Division, was later promoted to the Deputy Assistant Director of ATF, but then stepped down to the position in Tampa. Whether the allegations of our source refer to the on-going Operation Castaway remains at this hour unclear, but our source is certain that O'Brien has allowed the "walking" of straw-purchased firearms to Honduras using the same failed strategy as the Phoenix Field Division's Operation Fast and Furious. That Operation Castaway involved arms smuggling to Honduras is also certain.◼ Honduras? Why would ATF walk guns to Honduras? 1. The national scope of the Gunwalker Scandal & 2. Because that's where some of the action is. - sipseystreetirregulars
"This is confirmed as accurate," the correspondence continued. "There are emails in existence where O’Brien has advised those involved that Tampa does not have to report their walked guns because Tampa FD is not a part of Southwest Border or Project Gunrunner."
"From a first person source she is shitting herself trying to cover it up," the report stated.
First, and this is important to understand: the Tampa operation proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that "Project Gunwalker" was a national strategy, not a Phoenix aberration. The "major media" has been slow to understand this. They have ignored the fact that the Houston Field Division had to have played a supervisory role in known straw buying incidents in Dallas and Columbus NM as they are in their area of operations, not Phoenix's. Original reporting on this subject from Texas has been pitiful.◼ Source claims ATF's Tampa SAC walked guns to Honduras
Second, Honduras is where the action is.
A Journalist’s Guide to ‘Project Gunwalker' ◼ Part One, ◼ Part Two, ◼ Part Three and ◼ Part Four for a complete list with links of independent investigative reporting and commentary done to date by Sipsey Street Irregulars and Gun Rights Examiner.
Warren Buffett: I Could End the Deficit in 5 Minutes
◼ “I could end the deficit in 5 minutes. You just pass a law that says that anytime there is a deficit of more than 3% of GDP all sitting members of congress are ineligible for reelection.” - Michelle Malkin
◼ Buffett Says U.S. Credit Is Good, Will Pay Debt Obligations - SFGate
"Our credit is good. It's not like if we don't pay we can't pay. We have the right to print our own money. The U.S. is a very special place."
STOP SB 48! Call Governor Brown
This week the Assembly and the Senate passed SB 48 (Leno, D-3). SB 48 would prohibit all public education social science textbooks that do not include the contributions to California and the U.S. of Lesbian, Bi-sexual, Gay and Transgender people.
There is no “opt-out” option for parents or teachers in SB 48. This is just another example of government taking away the rights of parents.
From a financial standpoint, the state simply cannot afford to throw out all social science textbooks and purchase new ones from Kindergarten through high school across the state.
The CFRW OPPOSES SB 48. The bill is now on the Governor’s desk, waiting for his action.
SB 48 is a blatant take-over by the LBGT lobby to infiltrate our public school system. The bottom line is- if a person made a significant contribution to the state or the country, their sexual preference should not be important. It is so imperative that Governor Brown knows how we stand!
Contact Governor Brown and urge him to VETO SB 48!
Call: 916-445-2841, 213-897-0322, 415-703-2218
Fax: 916-558-3160
◼ Facebook: CLICK HERE (you must first “Like” his page in order to comment)
◼ Twitter: CLICK HERE (you must first “Follow” him in order to comment)
For more SB 48 information, ◼ click here.
There is no “opt-out” option for parents or teachers in SB 48. This is just another example of government taking away the rights of parents.
From a financial standpoint, the state simply cannot afford to throw out all social science textbooks and purchase new ones from Kindergarten through high school across the state.
The CFRW OPPOSES SB 48. The bill is now on the Governor’s desk, waiting for his action.
SB 48 is a blatant take-over by the LBGT lobby to infiltrate our public school system. The bottom line is- if a person made a significant contribution to the state or the country, their sexual preference should not be important. It is so imperative that Governor Brown knows how we stand!
Contact Governor Brown and urge him to VETO SB 48!
Call: 916-445-2841, 213-897-0322, 415-703-2218
Fax: 916-558-3160
◼ Facebook: CLICK HERE (you must first “Like” his page in order to comment)
◼ Twitter: CLICK HERE (you must first “Follow” him in order to comment)
For more SB 48 information, ◼ click here.
The Undefeated Teaser Trailer from Dain Valverde on Vimeo.
◼ Breitbart Exclusive: Exclusive: ‘The Undefeated’ Trailer – Daughter. Wife. Mother. Warrior. via Drudge
To find a theater near you, try this website. ◼ Enter your zipcode and opening date, 7/15.
Marco Rubio: 'We Don't Need New Taxes. We Need New Taxpayers'
◼ Rubio's speech in the Senate - Weekly Standard
We don't need new taxes. We need new taxpayers, people that are gainfully employed, making money and paying into the tax system. Then we need a government that has the discipline to take that additional revenue and use it to pay down the debt and never grow it again. That's what we should be focused on, and that's what we're not focused on.◼ Tax hikes won't balance the budget, but spending cuts will - Philip Klein/Washington Examiner
Racial quotas, speech codes and the thought police
◼ Racial quotas, speech codes and the thought police - Michael Barone/Washington Examiner
◼ Sharpton Claims Herman Cain's Too Racially Obsessed - Newsbusters
◼ "That's Racist" as a Punch Line - Jonah Goldberg/Real Clear Politics
◼ Sharpton Claims Herman Cain's Too Racially Obsessed - Newsbusters
◼ "That's Racist" as a Punch Line - Jonah Goldberg/Real Clear Politics
Until Republicans make some fundamental changes to their party platform, the left is prepared to accept from the Democratic Party many generations of abuse and depression.
◼ How the Tea Party can win the left - Daily Caller
The left cannot field a challenge to what increasingly strikes good-faith liberals as the rule of a corporatist police state. The Green Party is a husk. The radicals are a rump. Outside the right, there is now no viable political alternative to Obamaism — the greatest partisan disappointment in generations....
The ultimate insight unleashed by the Tea Party is that political liberty must return, whatever the economic implications, because the alternative will destroy itself — at a literally incalculable cost. The return of liberty will not usher in the new dark age of suffering and superstition that liberals fear most. Rather, it will oblige individuals to be better neighbors, better citizens and better human beings — not through the dictates of law, but the realities of everyday life.
The left cannot field a challenge to what increasingly strikes good-faith liberals as the rule of a corporatist police state. The Green Party is a husk. The radicals are a rump. Outside the right, there is now no viable political alternative to Obamaism — the greatest partisan disappointment in generations....
The ultimate insight unleashed by the Tea Party is that political liberty must return, whatever the economic implications, because the alternative will destroy itself — at a literally incalculable cost. The return of liberty will not usher in the new dark age of suffering and superstition that liberals fear most. Rather, it will oblige individuals to be better neighbors, better citizens and better human beings — not through the dictates of law, but the realities of everyday life.
Reince Priebus Makes it Official: The Grand Old Party is Conservative
◼ an exclusive interview with HUMAN EVENTS
(C)hairman of the Republican National Committee, Reince (pronounced 'Ray-ince,") Priebus insists that the Republican Party is "part of the conservative movement" and that he has the "responsibility of creating an army of grassroots volunteers" from conservative Republicans.
He went on to say that the rise of the Tea Party movement is "invaluable to the conservative cause" and, in order to maintain the movement's support for the GOP, Republicans in Congress had to be "workhorses and not show horses" on reining in government spending....
◼ Discussion at Lucianne
(C)hairman of the Republican National Committee, Reince (pronounced 'Ray-ince,") Priebus insists that the Republican Party is "part of the conservative movement" and that he has the "responsibility of creating an army of grassroots volunteers" from conservative Republicans.
He went on to say that the rise of the Tea Party movement is "invaluable to the conservative cause" and, in order to maintain the movement's support for the GOP, Republicans in Congress had to be "workhorses and not show horses" on reining in government spending....
◼ Discussion at Lucianne
Thursday, July 7, 2011
“It was never my goal for Washington to decide what type of light bulbs Americans should use," Upton said in a statement to The Hill. "The public response on this issue is a clear signal that markets – not governments – should be driving technological advancements. I will join my colleagues to vote yes on a bill to protect consumer choice and guard against federal overreach.”
◼ Upton’s support for the bill represents a change of tune for the Energy panel chairman. He supported the 2007 (light bulb ban) light-bulb efficiency law, much to the chagrin of his fellow Republicans. - The Hill
But Upton now says the law limits consumers' choices.
But Upton now says the law limits consumers' choices.
Major Garrett: Town hall a sign of ‘anxiety’ at Obama reelection HQ
◼ as it stands right now, Obama’s failing to connect and Garrett cited his so-called Twitter town hall meeting as an attempt almost in desperation to resurrect the messaging success the president in his prior election. - Daily Caller
“[I]f people aren’t listening to you on that core message, it doesn’t matter what you say anymore,” he said. “And I think the president is dangerously close to losing that connection with the American people on what he knows about the economy and what he can predict about the economy. And presidents who can’t lead on the economy tend to be replaced. And I think today’s Twitter town hall is evidence of a low-level degree of anxiety bordering on panic within the Chicago reelection headquarters because back in 2008 and 2007, I watched this develop on the ground. There was a sense that ‘oh social media created the energy.’ No, social media harnessed and built it out. It made it exponential. But it didn’t create it in the first place and you see a lot of sort of feverish attempts to engage social media as if that’s the means by which to create energy. No – you create energy by what you do, what you say and how you lead, especially if you’re seeking reelection and it’s at that level that I think the energy pool is much more shallow for President Obama than the campaign would like it to be.”
Co. Of Humboldt: Redistricting 2011 - Weigh In!
Humboldt County is required to redistrict, or adjust, supervisorial boundaries every ten years following the U.S. Census. The new boundaries must be drawn to balance the County’s population.
The 2010 Census data show that the total population of Humboldt County is 134,623, an increase of 8,105 over the last 10 years. This increase and the distribution of the County’s population as counted by the Census will require adjustments in the supervisorial district boundaries.
◼ Guidelines (62Kb pdf)
◼ Maps and Redistricting Worksheet
◼ Communities of Interest (53Kb pdf)
◼ Community Workshop Schedule (Check for updates; two meetings have been held; 5 to go; next meeting is July 13, 2011, 6:00 – 8:00p.m., Agricultural Center, 5630 South Broadway, Eureka
◼ Public Hearing Schedule (38Kb pdf)
Maps and Redistricting Worksheet
Contact Information
Email inquires or proposals to: All communications with the Redistricting Committee and the Elections Department are public record.
The 2010 Census data show that the total population of Humboldt County is 134,623, an increase of 8,105 over the last 10 years. This increase and the distribution of the County’s population as counted by the Census will require adjustments in the supervisorial district boundaries.
◼ Guidelines (62Kb pdf)
◼ Maps and Redistricting Worksheet
◼ Communities of Interest (53Kb pdf)
◼ Community Workshop Schedule (Check for updates; two meetings have been held; 5 to go; next meeting is July 13, 2011, 6:00 – 8:00p.m., Agricultural Center, 5630 South Broadway, Eureka
◼ Public Hearing Schedule (38Kb pdf)
Maps and Redistricting Worksheet
Interested parties can access the county linkGIS maps to view supervisorial district boundaries as they currently exist. A Redistricting Worksheet (excel format) is also provided with precinct names and population totals by precinct.Community Workshop Schedule
Any community expecting to be impacted by district boundary changes will be considered for a redistricting workshop. Please contact the Redistricting Committee at pdf)◼ Redistricting Workshop Schedule
Contact Information
Email inquires or proposals to: All communications with the Redistricting Committee and the Elections Department are public record.
Wednesday, July 6, 2011
Republicans, U.S. Chamber ‘crash’ Obama Twitter Town Hall
◼ Republicans, U.S. Chamber ‘crash’ Obama Twitter Town Hall - Yahoo
Republican House Speaker John Boehner, who posted dozens of questions for Obama on his page.
"After embarking on a record spending binge that left us deeper in debt, where are the jobs?" Boehner asked.
Obama chuckled, and called Boehner's question "slightly skewed."
Through a spokesman, the Speaker fired back: "'Where are the jobs?' isn't a 'skewed question' to the millions of Americans who lost jobs since President Obama's failed 'stimulus' spending binge began," Boehner spokesman Brendan Buck told Politico.
◼ You can catch video highlights of the Twitter Town Hall here. (Though the coverage there is a bit 'skewed.'
Gunrunner Bombshell: ATF Director Secretly Testifies That DOJ Lied to Congress and Obstructed Its Investigation
◼ Gunrunner Bombshell: ATF Director Secretly Testifies That DOJ Lied to Congress and Obstructed Its Investigation Doug Ross
ATF Director Ken Melson secretly testified Monday before the House Oversight Committee concerning Project Gunwalker -- without the knowledge of either the Justice Department or the ATF. Most importantly, he directly refuted the official "party line" coming from Washington regarding "Operation Fast and Furious":◼ Gunwalker: The ATF’s Kenneth Melson Blows the Whistle on the Justice Department - Pajamas Media
• Contrary to denials by the DOJ, Melson said agents had witnessed transfers of weapons from straw purchasers to third parties without following the guns further
This morning, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Darrell Issa and Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Charles Grassley released a copy of a letter they sent to Attorney General Eric Holder on July 5 about Melson’s testimony. Melson’s revelations raise even more serious issues not only about the operation itself, but about apparent attempts by the Justice Department to mislead Congress on the details of the operation....◼ Letter to Eric Holder -
The details of Operation Fast & Furious just keep getting worse from the standpoint of prosecutorial ineptitude and incompetence. But with Melson’s testimony, it is also appears that the Justice Department and specifically Deputy Attorney General James Cole have been obstructing Congress and engaging in a cover-up to prevent Congress and the public from finding out just how much the leadership of the Justice Department was involved in this expanding scandal.
The evidence we have gathered raises the disturbing possibility that the Justice Department not only allowed criminals to smuggle weapons but that taxpayer dollars from other agencies may have financed those engaging in such activities.◼ Fast and Furious update: Ken Melson’s secret testimony. - Redstate
◼ Agenda Behind Fast & Furious Gunrunner Program (image source:
Local News
◼ Council adopts budget; EPD members: we support council, city manager
◼ Two Rivers Tribune controversy sparks First Amendment debate; Editor: Did the council want a newsletter or did it want a newspaper?
◼ End of Fortuna redevelopment agency? Under new state laws, council could dissolve agency in November or wait until it runs out of funds
◼ State budget includes additional funding for Del Norte DA; Chesbro secures up to $700K to help county prosecute homicide cases
◼ Left Out: While California sees violent crime rates drop, Eureka hasn't followed suit
◼ Two Rivers Tribune controversy sparks First Amendment debate; Editor: Did the council want a newsletter or did it want a newspaper?
◼ End of Fortuna redevelopment agency? Under new state laws, council could dissolve agency in November or wait until it runs out of funds
◼ State budget includes additional funding for Del Norte DA; Chesbro secures up to $700K to help county prosecute homicide cases
◼ Left Out: While California sees violent crime rates drop, Eureka hasn't followed suit
Got Twitter? #AskObama
The ◼ @townhall is today! ◼ #AskObama your Question throughout the webcast (don't forget the hashtag) it starts @ 2pm ET ◼
◼ The Twitterer in Chief, who just started tweeting himself a few weeks ago, will host the first presidential Twitter town hall at the White House this afternoon. - Jake Tapper/ABC
◼ The Twitterer in Chief, who just started tweeting himself a few weeks ago, will host the first presidential Twitter town hall at the White House this afternoon. - Jake Tapper/ABC
President Obama is conducting a Twitter town hall today. He will answer questions that are tweeted by the public at #AskObama. You can follow the event live at ◼ Townhall beginning at 2:00 this afternoon (Eastern).◼ Saturday Night Live should satirize this - Redstate
You can be sure that most questions tweeted to the President will be softballs, but Heritage wanted to make sure that some more meaningful questions are in the mix. So it suggested these questions to be tweeted by conservatives - at the link
Tuesday, July 5, 2011
“the president’s right-hand woman”
◼ Letting Obama Be Obama - Paul Kengor for The American Spectator
◼ Discover The Networks: Valerie Jarrett
◼ Muckety: Interactive Connections Map
Jarrett is trying to let Obama be Obama, protecting the president from the pragmatists and moderates, from the Blue Dog Democrats and voices of sanity in foreign policy who would tug Obama from his true beliefs.◼ Valerie Jarrett’s Father-in-Law Worked With Obama Mentor Frank Marshall Davis - Trevor Loudon
◼ Discover The Networks: Valerie Jarrett
◼ Muckety: Interactive Connections Map
CA-36: Democrat Janice Hahn Spent a Million Scaring People, Now She’s Broke! UPDATED
◼ Janice Hahn perfectly exemplifies her party’s commitment to deficit spending. And what has she been spending all that money for? Scaring people about that dangerous “radical right-wing extremist” Republican, Craig Huey. -
◼ Democrat Hahn's debt leaves her with $44 - LA
◼ Obama throwing his OFA (Organizing For America) minions behind Janice Hahn - Protein Wisdom
and this:
◼ Democrat Hahn's debt leaves her with $44 - LA
[July 1] the Federal Election Commission issued the last Campaign Finance Reports before the election.UPDATE:
Democrat Janice Hahn has $323,348 “Cash on Hand.” Subtracting the $323,304 Ms. Hahn owes in debts leaves her with $44 once her debts are paid.
Her opponent, Torrance businessman and Tea Party Republican [Craig Huey] has largely financed his own campaign. . . .
Ms. Hahn has received over a million dollars in campaign contributions, almost entirely from unions and individual contributors who receive taxpayer dollars....
Ms. Hahn is the Government candidate. Her entire adult political life has been spent in the pursuit of taking money from taxpayers and giving it to government union members and various left-wing organizations such as her infamous inner city programs which hired known gang members - Many of whom were lated indicted and/or convicted for subsequent criminal acts.
◼ Obama throwing his OFA (Organizing For America) minions behind Janice Hahn - Protein Wisdom
and this:
Gang Intervention Money Controversy Not Over Yet:
California Congressman Mike Thompson in The New York Times
![]() |
Representative Mike Thompson grows 20 acres of sauvignon blanc grapes at his farm north of Napa. Jim Wilson/The New York Times |
◼ Mike Thompson in the Times: Grape Conflict - Davis Patch
The Congressman's dual role as industry backer and grape producer has drawn criticism, according to the Times
Hundreds of visitors to the Eureka Main Street Fourth of July Festival on Monday stopped at the Republican booth to vote in a straw poll whose ballot listed 10 declared candidates for the 2012 Republican persidential nomination. Minnesota Rep. Michelle Bachman with 33 percent of the votes. Closely bunched for second, third and fourth place were former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney. Atlanta businessman Herman Cain and Texas Rep. Ron Paul, respecitvely.
Eighty-three percent of those voting were Republicans and 17 percent were non-Republicans.
The next Republican presidential straw poll will be held at the party’s booth at ◼ Wildwood Days in Rio Dell, August 6-7.
The results:Three others received a little under 4 percent each: former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson and former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman . Others receiving smaller votes were gay activist Fred Karger , former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty and former Sen. Rick Santorum. There were scattered write-ins for former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, Texas Governor Rick Perry, Michigan Rep. Thaddeus McCotter and Alan Keyes.
Cain .........14
Paul ........ 13
Eighty-three percent of those voting were Republicans and 17 percent were non-Republicans.
The next Republican presidential straw poll will be held at the party’s booth at ◼ Wildwood Days in Rio Dell, August 6-7.
Monday, July 4, 2011
GOP Candidates on the 4th
◼ GOP Rivals Meet Up on the Trail - Wall St. Journal
Republican presidential candidates Mitt Romney and Jon Huntsman came face-to-face Monday at an Independence Day parade here, but there were no fireworks...
It was among several Independence Day appearances by Republican presidential candidates. Herman Cain was scheduled to be at a minor league baseball game in Manchester, N.H., while Newt Gingrich and Rep. Michele Bachmann were to participate in a July 4 parade in Clear Lake, Iowa.
With 10 men and women having declared they are candidates for the Republican nomination for president in 2012, the Humboldt County Republican Party will conduct a straw poll at its booth at the Eureka Main Street July 4 Festival in Old Town.
Throughout the one-day fair, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Republican voters may cast their ballots for Michelle Bachman, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Gary Johnson, Fred Karger, Ron Paul, Tim Pawlenty, Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum. “There is even a space for write-ins, in case fans of Rick Perry or Sarah Palin want to vote,” said Peter Hannaford, county chairman.
The booth will be Number 30, near the northeast corner 2nd and C Streets.
Throughout the one-day fair, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Republican voters may cast their ballots for Michelle Bachman, Herman Cain, Newt Gingrich, Jon Huntsman, Gary Johnson, Fred Karger, Ron Paul, Tim Pawlenty, Mitt Romney or Rick Santorum. “There is even a space for write-ins, in case fans of Rick Perry or Sarah Palin want to vote,” said Peter Hannaford, county chairman.
The booth will be Number 30, near the northeast corner 2nd and C Streets.
America, The Exceptional

◼ For the last 235 years, on the Fourth of July, Americans have celebrated the birth of the United States, and the founding ideas that have made it the most powerful, wealthiest and freest nation in the history of civilization. - Victor Davis Hanson/New York Post
...There is no rational reason why a small republican experiment in 1776 grew to dominate global culture and society -- except that America is the only nation, past or present, that put trust in the individual rather than in the state and its elite bureaucracy. Such confidence in the average free citizen made America absolutely exceptional -- something we should remember more than ever on this July 4. Read the rest
Sunday, July 3, 2011
Perry Takes on Holder and the Gaza Flotilla
◼ In his letter to Holder, the governor specifies the U. S. laws which he thinks are being violated by the American individual and corporate participants in the flotilla: - Roger L. Simon at Pajamas
The acts of funding, supporting, organizing and engaging in these efforts appears to constitute participation in a naval expedition against a people with whom the United States is at peace, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 960; the furnishing of a vessel with the intent that it be employed to commit hostilities against a people with whom the United States is at peace, in violation 18 U. S. C. 962; and the provision of material support or resources to a foreign terrorist organization, in violation of 18 U.S.C. 2339. See, e.g., Holder v. Humanitarian Law Project, 130 S. Ct. 2705 (2010).◼ Last whimper from the Gaza flotilla? - HotAir Greenroom
(Texas Governor Rick Perry wrote on Thursday to urge the Obama administration to intercept and/or prosecute the American flotilla participants, citing Title 18 Section 962 of the US Code.)
Exit polls showed Yingluck Shinawatra's Puea Thai (For Thais) party winning a clear majority of parliament's 500 seats, paving the way for the 44-year-old business executive to become Thailand's first woman prime minister.
◼ Thaksin party wins Thai election by a landslide - Yahoo
◼ Party of ousted PM's sister wins Thai elections - Breitbart
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