Saturday, June 4, 2011

Eureka resident Rex Bohn announces bid for 1st District Supervisor

PRESS RELEASE: REX BOHN ANNOUNCES CANDIDACY FOR FIRST DISTRICT SUPERVISOR Eureka, CA, June 3, 2011– Rex Bohn, well-known community leader, youth advocate and founder of Redwood Fields Ballpark in Cutten has announced his intention to focus his energy and dedication to seeking the First District Supervisorial seat in 2012. A formal campaign announcement will take place on July 7th at Redwood Fields from 12-1 p.m. The public is invited. Rex is a lifelong resident of Humboldt County . As a child, his parents owned The Park Grocery on Hodgson St. in Eureka , where he greeted customers and learned first-hand the value of customer service and the economics of running a business. “To make a community better, you must be involved,” said Rex, who has been serving the community since 1977 when he chaired the Humboldt/Del Norte Special Olympics. He has worked for 40 years in Humboldt County as a small business owner and in management positions with local employers. Rex has what it takes to help build and sustain Humboldt County’s economic future and looks forward to focusing his efforts to create positive solutions for Humboldt County families. Rex is well-known as the driving force behind the Redwood Fields Ballpark. This recreational facility continues to host over 450 baseball, football, basketball, bocce ball and soccer games each year. His fundraising efforts as volunteer Auctioneer on behalf of hundreds of local non-profits are unparalleled; having raised more than $7 million…and counting. “Rex is, without a doubt, one of the most dedicated, involved people in Humboldt County,” said Fourth District Supervisor Virginia Bass. Rex has served on the Board of Directors for many local organizations; notably 10 years on the Redwood Acres Fair Board of Directors, and three years on the Board of the Eureka Chamber of Commerce. He has also received numerous awards and honors for his service to the youth of our county. Accolades such as the St. Bernards High School Hall of Fame; Boys & Girls Club Youth Mentor of the Year; PTA Honorary service Award; The Women in Timber Lifetime Member; and Congressional Volunteer Service Award, exemplify how Rex’s leadership transcends from local to state levels. Rex Bohn is committed to bringing his life-long passion for community activism to Humboldt County’s Board of Supervisors in 2012. Rex is the change our county needs, and the driving force to make it happen.

Eureka resident Rex Bohn announces bid for 1st District - Times-Standard
Rex Bohn to seek First District seat - McKinleyville Press Blog
Supervisor Jimmy Smith: I Won’t Seek Reelection - Lost Coast Outpost

Still rogue, Palin embraces media - Howard Dean Issues Warning: Sarah Palin Could Beat Obama

Amid media circus, Palin lays out policy positions - Byron York.Washington Exaaminer
One thing many viewers have probably missed in all the horse-race speculation is that Palin is perfectly willing to discuss her positions on key issues, if anyone wants to ask. In fact, in recent days, weeks, and months, we've seen a lot of policy commentary from the former Alaska governor.
CNN Political reporter Peter Hamby followed Sarah Palin's "One Nation" bus from Washington D.C. to New Hampshire this week - CNN
once reporters tracked her down, Palin was eager to engage. At stop after stop after stop, she answered questions on everything from energy subsidies to the debt ceiling to her favorite brand of designer jeans.... Palin's refusal to inform the media of her itinerary grabbed headlines, but the storyline overshadowed the fact that the brigade of reporters chasing Palin were usually able to get a heads up on her next move and arrive prepared at the next stop...
The Palin team's stubborn and unconventional game plan also fed an inaccurate media narrative that the potential presidential candidate was actively ignoring the media.

Quite the opposite.... she took questions from the media 17 different times over the course of four days.

That's a remarkable number for any national political figure
Sarah Palin and the Politics of Winging It - New York Times
Call it “The Politics of Doing Whatever the Heck I Want.” There she went again, disrespecting the almighty “process,” playing by her own rules and seeming not to give a flying hoot what anyone thought about it. That included the so-called key Republicans, party insiders and self-important activists whom she also seemed to ignore en route. These are many of the same people who trashed Ms. Palin’s bus tour as ill-conceived and disorganized in (often anonymous) comments to the wild-goose-chasers.

These are many of the same usual suspects who complained that Ms. Palin had breached campaign decorum by showing up in New Hampshire last week on the very day Mitt Romney was formally announcing his presidential campaign there. Never mind that Mr. Romney has essentially been running for president for six years (or since kindergarten). He had designated Thursday as his “announcement day,” and, the decorum police felt, the rest of the field was obliged to stay out of the way in deference to the “unwritten rule” that says Mr. Romney should have the stage to himself on these special occasions. Likewise, the political media was obliged to treat Mr. Romney’s impeccably choreographed non-news event as a news event. And everyone pretty much abided by their designated “unwritten rules;” everyone except Mrs. Palin, for whom “unwritten rules” are just another category of the political orthodoxy to run over like roadkill.
Howard Dean Issues Warning: Sarah Palin Could Beat Obama - Gateway Pundit
“Any time you have a contest — particularly when unemployment is as high as it is — nobody gets a walkover,” Dean said. “Whoever the Republicans nominate, including people like Sarah Palin, whom the inside-the-Beltway crowd dismisses — my view is if you get the nomination of a major party, you can win the presidency, I don’t care what people write about you inside the Beltway,” Dean said.
GOP Beltway Insiders Charles Krauthammer and George Will Describe the Substantive Reasons Sarah Palin Can't Win - Doug Ross
Palin can win. Bachmann can win. Cain can win. Ryan can win. Santorum can win. Obama is a sitting duck if confronted with a true, articulate Constitutional conservative. He's a walking, talking disaster as President. And everyone knows it.

Michele Bachmann Makes Obamacare Key Target

“We will win this fight,” she said to a standing ovation. “Take it to the bank. Cash the check. It will be done.” - Newsmax
U.S. Representative Michele Bachmann, a potential Republican presidential candidate, urged a gathering of Christian conservatives to work to prevent their state governments from implementing the health-care overhaul President Barack Obama pushed into law last year....
Also speaking to the Faith and Freedom Coalition: Another potential Republican candidate, former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman, other Republican presidential prospects -- announced and potential -- ...former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, former Minnesota Governor Tim Pawlenty, Representative Ron Paul of Texas and former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum and businessman Herman Cain...

Media Bias Lesson: How To Marginalize a Popular Candidate

A recent Gallup poll identified Ron Paul as the #2 choice among declared candidates for the GOP nomination. Frontrunner status makes any GOP, Tea Party or libertarian candidate a target for marginalization. - Hillbuzz
It’s our mission at Hillbuzz to help you recognize the tactics that Leftists and the Lamestream media (and, unfortunately, the Cocktail Party GOP) rely on to manipulate the GOP primary process... It's important to learn to critically examine media coverage of GOP candidates so you can recognize media attempts to manipulate you and demoralize you.

Eureka resident Rex Bohn announces bid for 1st District Supervisor

Community leader Rex Bohn has announced his bid for the Humboldt County 1st District Supervisor seat in 2012.

Friday, June 3, 2011

Pelosi was not to be outdone, however, firing back at the president who she claimed had “the worst jobs record since the Great Depression,"

in spite of Friday’s news that the October jobless rate fell to 4.4 percent, the lowest it has been in more than five years. - HotAir
Jobless Rate Rises… Altogether Now… ‘Unexpectedly’; Updated With Pelosi Jobs Quote from 2006

Crossing party lines to deliver a stunning rebuke to the commander in chief, the vast majority of the House voted Friday for resolutions telling President Obama he has broken the constitutional chain of authority by committing U.S. troops to the international military mission in Libya.

Bipartisan Congress rebuffs Obama on Libya mission - Washington Times
In two votes — on competing resolutions that amounted to legislative lectures of Mr. Obama — Congress escalated the brewing constitutional clash over whether he ignored the founding document’s grant of war powers by sending U.S. troops to aid in enforcing a no-fly zone and naval blockade of Libya.

The resolutions were non-binding, and only one of them passed, but taken together, roughly three-quarters of the House voted to put Mr. Obama on notice that he must explain himself or else face future consequences, possibly including having funds for the war cut off.

“He has a chance to get this right. If he doesn’t, Congress will exercise its constitutional authority and make it right,” said House Speaker John A. Boehner...

Between (18) Fundraisers, Obama ‘Barely Paying Attention’ to 2012 Race

Obama not waiting until 2012 to get into politics - David Freddoso/Washington Examiner
We didn't get this far by doing things the usual way. Our campaign doesn't take money from Washington lobbyists or special-interest PACs. says Obama's fundraising letter.
Focused Like A Laser - on his reelection, including 18 fundraisers between April 4 and May 23, plus 4 more in June. - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
Between Fundraisers, Obama ‘Barely Paying Attention’ to 2012 Race - National Review

Enviro Elitists Keep America Unemployed

our nation’s obsession with litigation and environmental regulation has turned us into a place where employers cannot afford to create jobs. It is cheaper and more profitable to do it elsewhere. - NetRightDaily

So Now All These People Will Apologize to Sarah Palin About Paul Revere, Right?

Here is the original historical text written by Revere (spelling in original, bold added): at Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

Capitol Update (Friday, June 03, 2011)

More Deadlines!

Today is the last day the Senate and the Assembly have to pass bills out of their house of origin. That means that bills that were introduced in the Assembly have to be passed out of the Assembly and sent to the Senate by tonight and visa versa. This will mean the death of some bills. There are bills we are tracking that have already made the cut and some that have already met their demise.

AB 130/131 (Cedillo, D-45): As you will recall from last week’s Capitol Update, AB 131 just passed out of the Assembly to the Senate. AB 130, the California Dream Act, would allow illegal immigrants to receive California resident status for college tuition if they have attended secondary or vocational school in California for 3 years. The CFRW OPPOSES AB 130 and AB 131! AB 130 is being heard on Wednesday, June 8th in the Senate Education Committee. Please send or fax the Senate Education Committee Chair Alan Lowenthal and let him know that the CFRW OPPOSES this measure!

AB 459 (Hill, D-19): National Popular Vote compact. This bill has already passed out of the Assembly and is now scheduled for Tuesday, June 7th in the Senate Elections and Constitutional Amendments Committee. Again, we need your help! The CFRW has voted to OPPOSE AB 459! Please send letters via fax to Committee Chair Lou Correa at (916) 445-2496. For talking points on AB 459, click here. If you can make the Senate Elections and Constitutional Amendments Committee hearing on Tuesday, June 7th, the meeting will begin at 1:30 in room 3191. Please come and stand in opposition to a National Popular Vote compact!

Now on to some good news! SB 810 (Leno, D-3), single-payer healthcare for California, has failed! SB 810 failed to pass out of its appropriations committee with the necessary votes. This is a small, but important victory for taxpayers and the CFRW, who opposed the bill since last session. Thank you to all those who sent letters, faxes and emails in opposition of this terrible bill!

One more deadline is looming… the budget must be passed on or before June 15th. State Controller John Chiang stated this week that if the budget is not passed by June 15th, he will be withholding legislator’s pay until the budget is passed. Stayed tuned as this budget battle plays out!

58% of likely voters say state government wastes taxpayer's money "a lot."

PPIC Poll Tests Gov. Brown's Leadership
SACRAMENTO-- California Republican Party Chairman Tom Del Beccaro today issued the following statement concerning the latest PPIC poll results:

"It's a new poll with the same results—voters will turn down any taxes that go on the ballot, so we'll say it one more time: Jerry Brown should get to work instead of doubling down on bad policies that will put more people out of work. You need only to look at Andrew Cuomo's soaring approval ratings to see that Jerry needs to balance the budget without raising taxes like his fellow Democrat has done in New York."

As Yogi Would Say: It’s Déjà vu All Over Again - Fox&HoundsDaily
Voter support for Brown’s taxes still below 50% - Fox&HoundsDaily
Brown, in an appearance Wednesday, called the poll "a little hard to interpret" and said he would not back down from his campaign promise to ask for voter sign-off on any tax hikes. Brown instead seized on the result in the poll showing that a strong majority of likely voters, 76%, said they want a say in how the budget is balanced.

The governor said there is "massive support for letting the people decide."

The state budget is clearly on the minds of many voters, according to the poll, with 82% calling it a big problem. But Californians remain divided over how to tackle a deficit now estimated at $10-billion, with 40% backing a mixture of spending cuts and tax hikes and 36% preferring that the books be balanced mostly with cuts.
Poll: Citizens want chance to vote on new taxes - OC Register
Public Policy Institute of California poll
Some findings of the current survey:
✦ About half of Californians say there need to be major changes in the relationship between state and local governments.
✦ Most Californians generally approve of Governor Jerry Brown’s revised budget plan but less than half support the proposal to extend temporary tax and fee increases.
✦ Sixty-two percent of California adults support cutting funding to state prisons and corrections.

GALLUP: 71% of Democrats favor redistributing wealth

“So what is it? What’s the problem?” he said. “She’s solid on social issues. She’s solid on fiscal issues. She’s solid against these subsidies against big companies – in other words, she is not a corporatist. She’s not a crony or a believer in that. She’s solid on taxes and spending. I’m just confused. She’s solid on Israel. She’s solid on the military. She’s solid with respect to our allies. Is there some big issue that’s disqualifying? What – because the liberals don’t like her? …

Levin to the rescue: Radio host “sick and tired” of pundit’s Palin smears - HotAir
"Palin uses Twitter to communicate. Romney uses PowerPoint" - Riehl World View
Dr. Krauthammer and Gov. Palin: Analyzing the Analyst - American Thinker
Levin defends Palin: ‘I’m getting sick and tired of these smears by Krauthammer against her’ - Daily Caller
“Maybe there is one or two, but off the top of my head, I can’t think of any significant issue where Palin is not a conservative and where I disagree with her,” Levin said. “Can you?”

Judicial Watch: Documents show FCC coordinated 'Net Neutrality' effort with Soros-funded Left-wing outside group, "Free Press"

Documents made public yesterday by Judicial Watch describe extensive collusion by Federal Communications Commission officials with a left-wing advocacy group in a campaign to expand government regulation of the Internet.
The documents, obtained by Judicial Watch in a December 2010 Freedom of Information Act request, were created after Democrat appointees solidified their 3-2 control of the agency in March 2009....

Free Press is the most vocal of a number of far-left and liberal advocacy groups that for nearly a decade have pushed numerous proposals for vastly increasing government regulation of the Internet.

The evidence of coordination between FCC Democrats and Free Press uncovered by Judicial Watch includes:

Emails between former Free Press president John Silver and Democratic FCC Commissioner Michael Copps from October 2010, coordinating "how we'd like to proceed during these next three months on NN [net neutrality]."

Documents summarizing a phone call between Silver and Copps in which, before an FCC vote on the proposal in November 2010, Silver "emphasized that a strong net neutrality rule is critical to preserving the Internet as a vibrant forum for speech, commerce, innovation and cultural expression."

Correspondence between FCC Special Counsel David Tannenbaum and Free Press Policy Director Ben Scott coordinating speakers for a taxpayer-funded series of FCC "internet workshops" that were intended to generate public support for the proposal.

Free Press was co-founded by Monthly Review editor Robert McChesney and the Nation contributor John Nichols. The Monthly Review is "an independent Marxist journal," while the Nation has long described itself as "the flagship of the left." Free Press is partially funded by George Soros' Open Society Institute....

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Obama administration to lose $14B of auto bailout funds

Govt to lose $14B of auto bailout funds - Yahoo
The Obama administration said Wednesday that the government will lose about $14 billion in taxpayer funds from the bailout of the U.S. auto industry.

In a report from the president's National Economic Council, officials said that figure is down from the 60 percent the Treasury Department originally estimated the government would lose following its $80 billion bailout of Chrysler and General Motors in 2009.

The report's release coincides with the administration's efforts to tout the bailout's role in the revitalization of the U.S. auto industry after last week's announcement that Chrysler is repaying $5.9 billion in U.S. loans and a $1.7 billion loan from the Canadian government. Those payments cover most of the federal bailout money that saved the company after it nearly ran out of cash in and went through a government-led bankruptcy.

Obama makes Detroit revival central to his campaign - Financial Times (
Limousine liberals? Number of government-owned limos has soared under Obama - iwatchnews

Huckabee says he could change mind on presidential bid

Former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee foresees a “broke and battered” nominee emerging from the 2012 Republican presidential sweepstakes but says his recent exit from the race is not etched in stone.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Jerry Brown's Plan to Shut State Parks Foiled by Federal Funding

The state's current plan to close 70 of California's 278 state parks to help bridge the state's budget gap has hit a snag. - FOX
Sixteen of the parks targeted for closure receive federal funding under the Land and Water Conservation Fund, which collects royalties from offshore drilling to buy parklands and wildlife refuges, the San Jose Mercury News reported.

But the fund requires state parks that have received the funds to remain open or, if closed, that a park of equal size is opened nearby.

Monday, May 30, 2011

"It would behoove the Obama administration to keep its promise of transparency even with fundraisers," agrees Jeff Brauer, a political history professor at Keystone College. "The United States is a democracy, after all."

Dangerous Precedent for Press - Real Clear Politics
A little more than a week ago, Vice President Joe Biden traveled to fundraisers in two battleground-state cities, Pittsburgh and Cincinnati.

Neither stop included the White House press corps; requests by local media to cover the events were denied by the vice president's press office. The Democratic National Committee arranged the events for the Obama Victory Fund.

A number of seasoned political reporters and former White House press-office staffers consider that lack of coverage a dangerous precedent....

Several former and current White House correspondents see presidents choosing who covers them as a nightmare scenario. The correspondents also are agitated by Biden's refusal to be covered by local media, even if that means reporters cooling their heels outside an invitation-only fundraiser.

Tea party 2012 effect stirs GOP trepidation

Tea party 2012 effect stirs GOP trepidation - Washington Times
Republicans, once ecstatic about the energy generated by the 2009 anti-spending tea party uprising, are growing increasingly uneasy about the impact in 2012 of a movement that seems beyond the control of anyone, including its own leaders.

“The nature of the tea party and liberty movement is that there really are very few, if any, authoritative spokespersons,” said Ryan Call,Colorado GOP chairman.

“The fact that the grass-roots movement is somewhat leaderless is one of its strengths, but it also makes the movement susceptible to individuals or groups co-opting the ‘tea party label in inappropriate and damaging ways, like we saw in the May 24 New York 26th [Congressional] District special election.”

Obama hopes to change views on auto industry bailout

Obama hopes to change views on auto industry bailout - Brian Hughes/Washington Examiner
President Obama is hoping to change voters' views of his controversial bailout of the auto industry and turn his own political liability against Republicans amid signs that U.S. automakers are rebounding.
At the height of the bailout rage -- when the government pumped billions of dollars into General Motors and Chrysler despite a Republican outcry -- it would have been difficult for liberals to craft a winning political message defending big-government spending.

But now that Chrysler has repaid its $5.1 billion loans six years early, Obama is traveling to one of the company's plants in the battleground state of Ohio this week to make the case that the bailout was good for the auto industry and the ailing American economy.

For the White House, the improving auto industry offers an opportunity to rebrand massive government spending and the president's agenda in a positive light. Administration officials see the effort as a cornerstone of the president's re-election bid, particularly in the Rust Belt and other states with deep stakes in the auto industry.

The Washington Examiner's Beltway Confidential bloggers on Paul Ryan's budget plan, and its continuing impact on the debate:

Conn Carroll - A fall Ryan run? - Conn Carroll/Washington Examiner
Democrat says Paul Ryan has a point - Michael Barone/Washington Examiner
Obamacare is Ryancare on steroids - Conn Carroll/Washington Examiner

Video: Nearly 4 million views for “Honor Flight” film project

A little more than a month ago, my friends Clay Broga and Dan Hayes of Freethink Media forwarded me the trailer to a documentary they plan to release in November and asked that I consider sharing the video with my own friends and colleagues. I watched the trailer — and tears started to stream down my face. I immediately forwarded it to my extended family.

“Honor Flight” tells the story of The Honor Flight Network and “Operation Resolve,” a mission to fly as many WWII vets to Washington D.C. to see their memorial as possible — at no cost to them. It’s an urgent cause: 1,000 WWII veterans die every day
- HotAir

Donations can be made by sending checks made payable to North Coast Honor Flight to North Coast Honor Flight at 2383 Myrtle Ave., Eureka, Calif. 95501.
Humboldt County group rushes to honor area's World War II veterans while they are still here

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Memorial Day 2011: Honoring the fallen

Memorial Day, which falls on the last Monday of May, honors the men and women who died while serving in the American military. -
Memorial Day 2011: Honoring the fallen - Michelle Malkin

29% more - Pro-Obama media always shocked by bad economic news

Less bang for your buck: The Memorial Day BBQ will cost you 29% more this year thanks to inflation - Daily Mail
GOLDMAN SACHS: $5 gas this summer... - NY Post
Pro-Obama media always shocked by bad economic news - Michael Barone/Washington Examiner
As megablogger Glenn Reynolds, aka Instapundit, has noted with amusement, the word "unexpectedly" or variants thereon keep cropping up in mainstream media stories about the economy.

"New U.S. claims for unemployment benefits unexpectedly climbed," reported May 25.

"Personal consumption fell," Business Insider reported the same day, "when it was expected to rise."

"Durable goods declined 3.6 percent last month," Reuters reported May 25, "worse than economists' expectations."

"Previously owned home sales unexpectedly fall," headlined Bloomberg News May 19.

"U.S. home construction fell unexpectedly in April," wrote the Wall Street Journal May 18.

Those examples are all from the last two weeks. Reynolds has been linking to similar items since October 2009....

Rolling Thunder

Rolling Thunder 2011 - Motorcycle Rally in Washington, DC - An Annual Memorial Day Event -
Rolling Thunder is an annual motorcycle rally that is held in Washington, DC during the Memorial Day weekend to call for the government's recognition and protection of Prisoners of War (POWs) and those Missing in Action (MIAs). About 400,000 veterans will roar across Washington, DC on their motorcycles as a tribute to American war heroes.
pics -
US: Bikers rally for Shalit's release - ynet
Rolling Thunder Home
Rolling Thunder brings street closures, sound of motorcycles to Washington - Washington Post
Rolling Thunder Rolls Into DC - Michelle Malkin
Palin posts her Rolling thunder pics. - Althouse
pics - sarahpac