◼ A FURTHER PERSPECTIVE - "Happy Talk" in The American Spectator Online (1/28/11)
If you closed your eyes during the State of the Union address (and you allowed for the difference in voices), much of it could have been the words of Ronald Reagan. Gone was Mr. Obama's usually peevish tone, replaced by upbeat, can-do, let's-win-the-future words and tone. Read the rest
Saturday, January 29, 2011
Good news: FPPC strengthens rules for slate mailers
◼ FPPC strengthens rules for slate mailers - Sacramento Bee
◼ Party questions Times-Standard - Colleen's Letter-To-The-Editor
The Fair Political Practices Commission adopted new rules Friday to strengthen disclosure requirements for slate mailers.These slate mailers have been a problem locally, as some candidates have chosen to use them, implying that they have received endorsement from one party or the other when in fact they have not.
The mass-produced mail pieces, often labeled "voter guides," urge support or opposition for a series of candidates or issues on the ballot, many of whom pay to be included on the slate.
The adopted regulations seek to ensure disclaimers designating paid placement and disclosing that the slate mailer organizations are not tied to official political parties are clearly identifiable and easy to read.
Center for Governmental Studies President Bob Stern, co-chairman of an FPPC-created task force that recommended the changes, said seeing a politically involved colleague mistakenly believe a slate mailer she received was showcasing official party-endorsed candidates reinforced the need for the changes.
"If somebody as aware as that is not aware of the fact that these slate mailers are not necessarily Democratic- or Republican-endorsed candidates, then we have a problem," said Stern, who helped craft the original 1974 Political Reform Act. "There are some people who are clearly misled by slate mailers."
Stern and political attorney Chuck Bell, co-chairman of the Chairman's Advisory Task Force on the Political Reform Act, outlined additional recommendations for updating the act. read the rest
◼ Party questions Times-Standard - Colleen's Letter-To-The-Editor
Friday, January 28, 2011
Palin Lists Her Presidential Priorities
◼ Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin told an Anchorage radio duo on Thursday that if she were president of the United States, her first act would be to slash corporate taxes.
"Number one, we announce that we're going to cut the corporate tax rate so that our industries can come back to America and know that this is where they can produce and keep more of what it is that industries and companies and businesses earn, so they can reinvest and hire more people," Palin said on KWHL's The Bob & Mark Show.
Palin's answer came in response to a question from one of the hosts asking her to name her top three priorities in a theoretical presidential to-do list. Real Clear Politics
◼ by way of Lucianne
"Number one, we announce that we're going to cut the corporate tax rate so that our industries can come back to America and know that this is where they can produce and keep more of what it is that industries and companies and businesses earn, so they can reinvest and hire more people," Palin said on KWHL's The Bob & Mark Show.
Palin's answer came in response to a question from one of the hosts asking her to name her top three priorities in a theoretical presidential to-do list. Real Clear Politics
◼ by way of Lucianne
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Sarah Palin: on Obama's SOTU
◼ Obama’s Message to America: The Era of Big Government is Back, Now Help Me Pay For It
The President’s State of the Union address boiled down to this message: “The era of big government is here as long as I am, so help me pay for it.” He dubbed it a “Winning The Future” speech, but the title’s acronym* seemed more accurate than much of the content. *(WTF?)
A new flavor of tea - Bachmann and Palin are the taste of feminism today
◼ A new flavor of tea - Bachmann and Palin are the taste of feminism today
Rep. Michele Bachmann, founder of the Tea Party caucus in the new Congress, gave more than a response to President Obama‘s State of the Union speech Tuesday night. She gave us a look at the new political woman in Washington.
Some of the old Republican bulls looked as if they were suffering a bad bout of indigestion. She’s treading on old toes. She acquitted herself with poise and power, and that’s what’s scary to the party establishment.
When Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann got together during the midterm election campaigns, they were dismissed...
“This new generation of conservative politicas - having caught, skinned and eviscerated liberal feminism as if it were one of Palin‘s Alaskan salmon - is transforming the very meaning of a women’s movement...” read the rest
Rep. Michele Bachmann, founder of the Tea Party caucus in the new Congress, gave more than a response to President Obama‘s State of the Union speech Tuesday night. She gave us a look at the new political woman in Washington.
Some of the old Republican bulls looked as if they were suffering a bad bout of indigestion. She’s treading on old toes. She acquitted herself with poise and power, and that’s what’s scary to the party establishment.
When Sarah Palin and Michele Bachmann got together during the midterm election campaigns, they were dismissed...
“This new generation of conservative politicas - having caught, skinned and eviscerated liberal feminism as if it were one of Palin‘s Alaskan salmon - is transforming the very meaning of a women’s movement...” read the rest
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
Judicial Watch Uncovers New Documents Detailing Pelosi's Use of Air Force Aircraft in 2010
◼ Pelosi Logged 43 Flights Covering 90,155 Miles from January to October 2010; Received “Chocolate-Covered Strawberries” for Birthday Surprise
...According to the documents, obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Pelosi used Air Force aircraft for 43 flights from January 1 to October 1, 2010. According to documents previously uncovered by Judicial Watch, by comparison, Nancy Pelosi logged 47 flights in the prior nine-month period, April 1, 2009, to January 1, 2010....
According to previous documents uncovered by Judicial Watch, the former Speaker’s military travel cost the United States Air Force $2,100,744.59 over one two-year period — $101,429.14 of which was for in-flight expenses, including food and alcohol.
...According to the documents, obtained through the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA), Pelosi used Air Force aircraft for 43 flights from January 1 to October 1, 2010. According to documents previously uncovered by Judicial Watch, by comparison, Nancy Pelosi logged 47 flights in the prior nine-month period, April 1, 2009, to January 1, 2010....
According to previous documents uncovered by Judicial Watch, the former Speaker’s military travel cost the United States Air Force $2,100,744.59 over one two-year period — $101,429.14 of which was for in-flight expenses, including food and alcohol.
Congressman Mike Thompson's response to SOTU

◼ Mike Thompson's take: North Coast congressman responds to State of the Union speech
...”I thought he did a good job,” Thompson said. “This was an important one because it comes at a time when there's a lot of divisiveness, not only in Congress but across the country. I think it was really important that he hit on some of the things he hit on.”
Thompson said he was pleased to see Obama “drill down” on fiscal issues but also talk of investment in areas the congressman thinks are important.
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Reactions to the SOTU
◼ The words “climate” and “global warming” do not appear in the State of the Union Address - wattsupwiththat.com
◼ SOTU Speech In One Sentence - legalinsurrection
◼ SOTU Response: Ryan Knocks It Out Of The Park - strata-sphere
◼ Barack Obama's State of the Union speech in 90 seconds [Biff Spackle] - directorblue
◼ Rep Paul Ryan responds to Obama’s healing speech of moderation and fiscal responsibility, previewed in one word. - proteinwisdom
◼ The Most Offensive Line in the State of the Union - patterico
◼ Obama’s SOTU Address – One Of The Worst - floppingaces
◼ Bloomberg - FACT CHECK: Obama and his imbalanced ledger - bloomberg
Day After:
◼ Mike Thompson's take: North Coast congressman responds to State of the Union speech
◼ Chief Medicare Actuary Rips Obamacare In House Budget Committee Testimony - yidwithlid
◼ OMG!… Obama Uses Another Bogus Case Study to Defend Obamacare at SOTU - gatewaypundit
◼ Reid not happy about Obama’s earmark ban pledge. - redstate
◼ Obama's Plan Would Cost Another $20 Billion - Group says his proposals would lead to higher taxes - USNews
◼ Obama address viewership falls from last year - insidetv
◼ EDITORIAL: Obama’s spaced out speech - washingtontimes
◼ Obama's Spending Freeze Just 'Spare Change': Roubini - cnbc
◼ Obama's Praise of China 'Low Point' in Speech: Trump - cnbc
◼ The State of Confusion Address. - Blogmocracy
◼ SOTU Speech In One Sentence - legalinsurrection
◼ SOTU Response: Ryan Knocks It Out Of The Park - strata-sphere
◼ Barack Obama's State of the Union speech in 90 seconds [Biff Spackle] - directorblue
◼ Rep Paul Ryan responds to Obama’s healing speech of moderation and fiscal responsibility, previewed in one word. - proteinwisdom
◼ The Most Offensive Line in the State of the Union - patterico
◼ Obama’s SOTU Address – One Of The Worst - floppingaces
◼ Bloomberg - FACT CHECK: Obama and his imbalanced ledger - bloomberg
Day After:
◼ Mike Thompson's take: North Coast congressman responds to State of the Union speech
◼ Chief Medicare Actuary Rips Obamacare In House Budget Committee Testimony - yidwithlid
◼ OMG!… Obama Uses Another Bogus Case Study to Defend Obamacare at SOTU - gatewaypundit
◼ Reid not happy about Obama’s earmark ban pledge. - redstate
◼ Obama's Plan Would Cost Another $20 Billion - Group says his proposals would lead to higher taxes - USNews
◼ Obama address viewership falls from last year - insidetv
◼ EDITORIAL: Obama’s spaced out speech - washingtontimes
◼ Obama's Spending Freeze Just 'Spare Change': Roubini - cnbc
◼ Obama's Praise of China 'Low Point' in Speech: Trump - cnbc
◼ The State of Confusion Address. - Blogmocracy
TRANSCRIPT: Michele Bachmann's Response to State of the Union
◼ Michele Bachmann's Response to State of the Union
As prepared for delivery: Good evening, my name is Congresswoman Michele Bachmann from Minnesota’s 6th District.
Two years ago, when Barack Obama became our President, unemployment was 7.8 percent and our national debt stood at what seemed like a staggering $10.6 trillion dollars.
We wondered whether the President would cut spending, reduce the deficit and implement real job-creating policies.
Unfortunately, the President’s strategy for recovery was to spend a trillion dollars on a failed stimulus program, fueled by borrowed money.
The White House promised us that all the spending would keep unemployment under 8 percent.
Not only did that plan fail to deliver, but within three months the national jobless rate spiked to 9.4 percent. And sadly, it hasn’t been lower for 20 straight months. While the government grew, we lost more than 2 million jobs.
TRANSCRIPT: Official GOP State of the Union response by Rep. Paul Ryan
◼ Official GOP State of the Union response by Rep. Paul Ryan
As prepared for delivery: Good evening. I’m Congressman Paul Ryan from Janesville, Wisconsin – and Chairman here at the House Budget Committee.
President Obama just addressed a Congressional chamber filled with many new faces. One face we did not see tonight was that of our friend and colleague, Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords of Arizona. We all miss Gabby and her cheerful spirit; and we are praying for her return to the House Chamber.
Earlier this month, President Obama spoke movingly at a memorial event for the six people who died on that violent morning in Tucson. Still, there are no words that can lift the sorrow that now engulfs the families and friends of the fallen.
What we can do is assure them that the nation is praying for them; that, in the words of the Psalmist, the Lord heals the broken hearted and binds up their wounds; and that over time grace will replace grief.
As Gabby continues to make encouraging progress, we must keep her and the others in our thoughts as we attend to the work now before us.
Tonight, the President focused a lot of attention on our economy in general – and on our deficit and debt in particular.
TRANSCRIPT: President Obama's State of the Union remarks
◼ Obama's State of the Union remarks
As prepared for delivery: Mr. Speaker, Mr. Vice President, Members of Congress, distinguished guests, and fellow Americans:
Tonight I want to begin by congratulating the men and women of the 112th Congress, as well as your new Speaker, John Boehner. And as we mark this occasion, we are also mindful of the empty chair in this Chamber, and pray for the health of our colleague – and our friend – Gabby Giffords.
It's no secret that those of us here tonight have had our differences over the last two years. The debates have been contentious; we have fought fiercely for our beliefs. And that's a good thing. That's what a robust democracy demands. That's what helps set us apart as a nation.
Who's live-blogging the SOTU?
◼ EXCLUSIVE: Obama to Declare 'The Rules Have Changed' Full text of speech draft obtained by National Journal National Journal
◼ The text of the State of the Union Address from a Democratic insider who has violated the White House embargo - Via the National Journal. Althouse (always good)
◼ LIVE EVENT - Paul Ryan and Michele Bachmann Speak To The Nation legal insurrection
◼ Michele Bachmann should be here Tea Party Express
If you have links, let me know...
Ace is liveblogging - ◼ Liveblog: Obama's Like a Fiscal Conservative or Something; Plus: Death Toll For Paul Ryan's Hateful Incitment Stands At Zero, But Is Expected To Climb (Thanks, guys)
◼ Neo has it too
◼ The text of the State of the Union Address from a Democratic insider who has violated the White House embargo - Via the National Journal. Althouse (always good)
◼ LIVE EVENT - Paul Ryan and Michele Bachmann Speak To The Nation legal insurrection
◼ Michele Bachmann should be here Tea Party Express
If you have links, let me know...
Ace is liveblogging - ◼ Liveblog: Obama's Like a Fiscal Conservative or Something; Plus: Death Toll For Paul Ryan's Hateful Incitment Stands At Zero, But Is Expected To Climb (Thanks, guys)
◼ Neo has it too
Monday, January 24, 2011
Rahm Emanuel booted off ballot in 2-1 Appellate Court decision
◼ Rahm Emanuel booted off ballot in 2-1 Appellate Court decision - Chicago Sun-Times
Rahm Emanuel was thrown off the ballot for mayor of Chicago today by an appellate court panel, a stunning blow to the fund-raising leader in the race.
An appellate panel ruled 2-1 that Emanuel did not meet the residency standard to run for mayor.
◼ Emanuel asks Illinois Supreme Court for emergency stay - Chicago Sun-Times
Rahm Emanuel was thrown off the ballot for mayor of Chicago today by an appellate court panel, a stunning blow to the fund-raising leader in the race.
An appellate panel ruled 2-1 that Emanuel did not meet the residency standard to run for mayor.
◼ Emanuel asks Illinois Supreme Court for emergency stay - Chicago Sun-Times
Rose's Notes:
As you can see the site is going through some transitions; we have a NEW DOMAIN NAME:
◼ hrwf-ca.org
The address given out in the January newsletter should redirect to this new one. Please share this with other members.
◼ hrwf-ca.org
The address given out in the January newsletter should redirect to this new one. Please share this with other members.
"It is no coincidence that the majority of TEA party leaders are women."
◼ She knows America by heart ANNE LEARY - The Backyard Conservative - on Sarah Palin and the political climate.
...It is no coincidence that the majority of TEA party leaders are women.
These women care about the issues everyone else does--they're not running on "women's issues" as defined by the illiberal left.
And as we look to the future we want an America that doesn't crush the spirit of the children we bore for a better day....
...It is no coincidence that the majority of TEA party leaders are women.
These women care about the issues everyone else does--they're not running on "women's issues" as defined by the illiberal left.
And as we look to the future we want an America that doesn't crush the spirit of the children we bore for a better day....
Sunday, January 23, 2011
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