Friday, December 9, 2011
(One of Obama's top fundraisers), John Corzine 'stunned' cash can't be found; Weird coincidence: Obama bundler Corzine got a range of regulatory "gifts" before his firm collapsed
◼ As the first former U.S. senator to be subpoenaed by Congress in more than a century, Jon Corzine testified Thursday about the “last chaotic days” of MF Global, the trading firm that declared bankruptcy under his watch. - LA Times
“I simply do not know where the money is or why the accounts have not been reconciled to date,” he said in testimony before the House Agriculture Committee.
◼ Weird coincidence: Obama bundler Corzine got a range of regulatory "gifts" before his firm collapsed - Doug Ross
◼ Loss May Be Soros's Gain - Gregory Zuckerman AND Dana Cimilluca/Wall St. Journal via Drudge
Investor George Soros's family fund bought about $2 billion of European bonds formerly owned by MF Global Holdings Ltd., the very debt that helped force the securities firm to file for bankruptcy protection Oct. 31, according to people close to the matter.
Under the direction of MF Global's former chief executive, Jon S. Corzine, the firm accumulated $6.3 billion of short-term debt issued by various European nations, mostly from Italy, in a bid to boost trading profits. Over the summer, this debt led to nervousness by investors, regulators and ratings companies, resulting in the firm's collapse just over a month ...
◼ Jon Corzine, Obama bundler, Obama Wall Street point man, golden parachute - (Oct 2011)