Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Tonight: "Your Money, Your Vote" Debate

Hosted by CNBC and the Michigan Republican Party, TONIGHT, November 9th at Oakland University in Rochester, Michigan. (CNBC: image source)

Tonight's debate will be televised on CNBC from 8-10 PM ET, (5-7 PM PT) and will focus on the nation's economic challenges including the national debt, jobs and taxes.

..................Maria Bartiromo - CNBC Anchor
..................John Harwood - Chief Washington Correspondent

CNBC Experts and On-air personalities and correspondents who will join the debate questioning:
..................Jim Cramer - Host of "Mad Money"
..................Steve Liesman - Senior Economics Reporter
..................Rick Santelli - On-Air Editor
..................Sharon Epperson - Senior Commodities Correspondent & Personal Finance Correspondent

◼ The next debate: CBS News, National Journal to host Republican debate on Nov. 12