Americans for Limited Government President Bill Wilson today issued the following statement blasting a Senate Democrat plan to spend $35 billion to bail out state and local governments: "This is like a horror story with endless sequels: 'The Return of the States Bailout'. States already got $145 billion in the original Obama 'stimulus' in 2009, and another $26.1 billion in August 2010. Now, the Obama economic recovery has been so weak that states that refuse to clean their fiscal houses are still facing a $103 billion shortfall for this fiscal year as revenues fail to recover, and so Senate Democrats want another $35 billion.
"Senate Democrats project their plan will prop up 400,000 teachers' jobs with $30 billion of the funding for that purpose. When you do the math, if you conservatively assumed only half them were unionized, with average contributions to state, local, and national unions combined about $475, it works out to a $95 million political slush fund to help Democrats, including Barack Obama, get elected.
"This plan to borrow-print-and-spend another $35 billion for the states is not about creating jobs. It won't create jobs. It's about propping up government worker unions, and funneling $95 million to help Democrats' ailing campaign to get reelected. It is hard to think of a greater waste of taxpayer resources."
◼ Democrats Push for $35 Billion Public Sector Union Bailout - NetRightDaily