Friday, October 14, 2011

Obama Spoke About Fast and Furious Before Holder Claimed He Knew

Obama Spoke About "Fast & Furious" Before Holder Claimed He Knew - Real Clear Politics

CNN compares Holder's testimony to what President Obama said in MARCH to CNN Espanol about the operation. "I heard on the news about this story that -- Fast and Furious, where allegedly guns were being run into Mexico, and ATF knew about it, but didn't apprehend those who had sent it."

‘Hiding in plain sight’—How did Obama know about ‘Gunwalker’ before Holder? - David Codrea, Gun Rights Examiner

A Journalist’s Guide to ‘Project Gunwalker' ◼ Part One,Part Two,Part Three,Part Four,Part Five and ◼ Part Six for a complete list with links of independent investigative reporting and commentary done to date by Sipsey Street Irregulars and Gun Rights Examiner.

CBS: Don’t forget Grenadewalker, too - HotAir

CBS’ Sharyl Attkisson... reporting that the ATF let thousands of grenades cross the border into Mexico at roughly the same time the Mexican drug cartels were using grenades to blow up a casino and kill dozens of people.