From Andrew Breitbart: “These are the same types of groups, the anti-WTO crowd that in 1999 attacked Seattle, attacked Starbucks, threw trashcans through the windows of Starbucks. This is the same group of people that created ‘Camp Casey’ at President Bush’s compound or house in Crawford, Texas… The anti-war movement has now been co-opted as a means to divert attention away from the Tea Party and on to an organization that shifts the blame from the government forgiving these out-of-control loans to their political cronies to the banks — many of which took the bailouts. It is a sleight of hand for the benefit of the Democratic Party and for the benefit of President Obama to change the onus away from the government policies that created our failed economic system.”◼ Violence Breaks Out During ‘Occupy Wall Street’ March Toward New York Stock Exchange - CBS
◼ Protesters march on Wall St. after park cleanup postponed, get into scuffle with cops - New York Post