Monday, September 12, 2011

Watch the DEBATE

GOP Debate: Early Fireworks Over Social Security

at CNN

Bachmann Delights Tea Party Faithful with Call for Personal Responsibility

Huntsmann: Stop Our Heroin Like Addiction to Foreign Oil

Gingrich: American People Create Jobs, Not Government

Perry: People Tired of Spending Money We Don't Have on Programs We Don't Want

Question You'll Never Hear at Democratic Debate: How Much of My Money Should I Be Allowed to Keep?

Newt Hammers GE, Obama

Bachmann Charges Perry Pushed Vaccination on Girls as Favor for Drug Company Donor
embedding disabled


Paul, Bachmann Smash ObamaCare

Candidates Spar Over Immigration


Live-blogging the Republican Debate. at Althouse
Liveblogging Patriots - at Ace of Spades
CNN/Tea Party Debate CoverItLive/Open Thread! at RedState
Open thread: They “hey, let’s talk about Social Security for two hours” debate at HotAir
Republican / Tea Party Florida Debate - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion