◼ Perry Is Target as Republican Candidates Take Aim New York Times (image source)
The debate went a long way in clarifying the contours of the Republican contest, both in terms of the strength of the candidates — for the second time in a row, Mr. Romney and Mr. Perry were the main players — but also on the issues driving the race. It is rare in a presidential primary to have such a vivid difference of opinion on a critical issue, as is the case with Mr. Romney and Mr. Perry on Social Security.◼ The toughest attack on Rick Perry came not from Mitt Romney on Social Security, but from Michele Bachmann. - Michael Barone/Washington Examiner
◼ Perry's the Man in the Middle - Fellow Republican Presidential Candidates Take Aim at Front-Runner in Debate - Wall St. Journal
◼ Flash mob: GOP candidates gang up on Perry - Byron York/Washington Examiner
◼ The Debate in Tampa: How Perry's Rivals Are Perfecting Their Attacks on the Frontrunner - The New Republic
◼ GOP debate winner: 'None of the above' - Philip Klein/Washington Examiner
◼ 2012 debate escalation! - Politico
◼ Ron Paul booed for Bin Laden comment - Charlie Spiering/Washington Examiner
◼ Tea Party Debate: GOP Candidates Attack Perry But Newt Kept His Eye On The Ball - WakeUpAmerica
◼ Full Transcript of CNN-Tea Party Republican Debate from CNN