◼ Can’t Obama just find someone to publicly flog and be done with it already? - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
Faced with a Congress that opposes many of the suggestions he has made for job growth and deficit reduction, the president is increasingly making proposals that seem designed to garner popular, even populist, support — Republicans call it “class warfare” — so as to draw contrasts with Republicans for election 2012. - Jake Tapper/ABC News
◼ (T)he “Buffett Rule” - NY Times
Mr. Obama will not specify a rate or other details, and it is unclear how much revenue his plan would raise. But his idea of a millionaires’ minimum tax will be prominent in the broad plan for long-term deficit reduction that he will outline at the White House on Monday.
◼ Obama to Propose ‘Buffett Tax’ on Monday - Michelle Malkin