Many Lessons for Republicans in NY-26
The Lessons of NY-26 - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion
...The Tea Party brand is powerful. A phony like Davis, who petitioned his way onto the ballot and then chose to call his ballot line the "Tea Party" line still managed to draw a significant vote.
...National Republicans need to get their act together....
...The ability of Democrats to scare grandma should not be underestimated. Republicans need to be very proactive and very hard hitting is getting ahead of Democrats and explaining not only that no one currently receiving Medicare will be affected, but that the current system will result in severe rationing if changes are not made.
...We need candidates who are fighters and are seen as fighters....
...Motivation matters. There was a poor turnout by Republicans, who didn't care much.
...Republicans should stop ignoring conservative bloggers. Many conservative bloggers, including (legal insurrection and) Sam Foster of Lonely Conservative and Jazz Shaw who blogs at the HotAir Green Room, were all over this race long before anyone else. MORE at the link
Mediscare and the NY-26 loss; Plus: Ryan the Brave, Reid the Hack - Michelle Malkin
Tea Party activists need to stand by Ryan and buck him up when the GOP establishment cuts and runs. Fiscal conservatism must not be beholden to electoral cycles. This is what real leadership looks like.