CAIRO – Egypt exploded with joy, tears, and relief after pro-democracy protesters brought down President Hosni Mubarak with a momentous march on his palaces and state TV. Mubarak, who until the end seemed unable to grasp the depth of resentment over his three decades of authoritarian rule, finally resigned Friday and handed power to the military.◼ DAY 18: Mubarak and family flee Cairo for Sharm el-Sheikh...
"The people ousted the regime," rang out chants from crowds of hundreds of thousands massed in Cairo's central Tahrir Square and outside Mubarak's main palace several miles away in a northern district of the capital.
The crowds in Cairo, the Mediterranean city of Alexandria and other cities around the country burst into pandemonium. They danced, chanted "goodbye, goodbye," and raised their hands in prayer as fireworks and car horns sounded after Vice President Omar Suleiman made the announcement on national TV just after nightfall.
◼ Hosni Mubarak resigns as president - Egyptian president stands down and hands over power to the Supreme Council for the Armed Forces.
◼ Obama learns of resignation by watching TV in Oval Office...
◼ Crisis Flummoxes White House - President Mubarak's Refusal to Step Down Signals a Loss of Western Influence; Sense of 'Disbelief' After Speech - WSJ
◼ Egypt Crisis Puts Spotlight on Weakness in US: El-Erian - CNBC
◼ Ahmadinejad: Egyptian protests herald new Mideast - AP